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Who is Energy Solutions?

Energy Solutions is central Virginia's premiere cleaning & coating services company. Since our inception in 2002 we have served literally hundreds of commercial & residential customers in and around central Virginia and surrounding states. Our client base include such prestigious organizations as Chesterfield County Government, the Commonwealth of Virginia, the YMCA Association of Greater Richmond, Norfolk Health Department and numerous others, large & small (please visit our Representative Customers page for details about the services we have performed for these organizations).

Our primary services include:

  • HVAC/R-Cleaning & coating--a one-time HVAC/R coil cleaning & coating process that typically saves our customers between 10% and 40% on their summer cooling & winter heating-related electricity usage & costs. These savings often pay for our service in the first year of usage alone. But these savings continue to accrue for the life of the unit, which is often doubled by our process! (Please see HVAC/R Coil Cleaning & Coating for details about this service and related benefits.)
  • Hard Surface Floors-Cleaning & Coating--is perhaps our most popular service. In these engagements, we initially clean the floors to our industry-leading standards, which are not typically offered by other cleaning firms at any price. Once clean, we promptly coat & seal the floor with our patented coatings yielding a beautiful, clean, low-maintenance, high-gloss floor that will typically withstand years of traffic and usage without any significant signs of wear & tear. More importantly, our commercial customers frequently report janitorial floor maintenance labor, material & equipment savings of 70% or more while still enjoying dramatically improved aesthetics & cleanliness. (Please see Hard Surface Floors-Cleaning & Coating Service for additional details on this service.)
  • Brass & Monuments-Cleaning, Coating & Graffiti Protection--One of the most important characteristics of our patented siloxane coatings is its ability to completely isolate the coated surface from the environment. This is particularly important in mitigating graffiti & surface contamination where environmental factors, oxidizing agents, etc, need to be isolated from the surface. Given these characteristics, we are frequently called upon to clean & coat monuments, signs, walls and other outside structures that are subject to these degrading factors. (Please see Monuments & Brass-Cleaning & Coating for additional details.)
  • Building Exteriors-Cleaning & Coating--our newest coatings is a self-cleaning Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) that works like bleach, continuously cleaning the coated surface whenever it is exposed to ambient light. This has proven extremely effective on exterior structures & surfaces that are constantly affected by life's various contaminants--mold, mildew, roofing runoff, traffic exhaust, etc. As with our other services, we initially clean the surface to our uncompromising standards, utilizing high-pressure washing & mild, environmentally-friendly cleaning agents. Once clean, we immediately coat & seal the cleaned substrate resulting is a surface that is isolated from environment and which continuously self-cleans the surface whenever daylight is present. (Please see Building Exteriors-Cleaning & Coating for additional details.)
  • Pressure Washing--As described above, the first step in all of our activities is an extensive initial cleaning to ensure that the surface is as clean as possible before we coat & seal it. To perform this service on building exteriors we rely extensively on commercial-grade pressure washing as our primary cleaning process. While we strongly encourage prospective customers to seriously consider having us apply one of our coatings to the cleaned surface, it is at their sole option, and we are always happy to perform our premiere-level pressure cleaning only, if that is their choice. (Please see Building Exteriors-Cleaning & Coating for additional details on this Pressure Washing service.)
  • Traditional Window Washing (and Coating)--As a result of our our extensive cleaning experience, we are often requested to perform more traditional cleaning services such as window washing--commercial & residential. Even here, the application of our self-cleaning TiO2 coating can be quite beneficial for maintaining cleaned surfaces such as glass. However, we are always happy to perform only the cleaning portion of our service if that is the customer's preference. (Please see our Traditional Window Washing (and Coating) page for additional details on this service.)
  • Traditional Janitorial Services--Again, based upon our reputation for superior cleaning, we are often asked to perform ongoing maintenance on coated floors, as well as traditionally maintained floors, monuments, HVAC/R units, etc. In this regard, we are always happy to perform these as well as other more traditional janitorial services--dusting, mopping, trash removal, bathroom cleaning, etc. (Please see our Traditional Janitorial Services page for additional details.)

Regardless as to which of the above service(s) you choose, we are confident you will be delighted with the results, and always offer a "no questions asked, money-back guarantee" on our work--you WILL BE completely satisfied with the quality & results or it is FREE!!