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Our cleaning & coating capabilities have become highly specialized as our company has grown. Today, one of our most popular services is the cleaning & coating of brass as well as the structures on which it is often attached (in the above graphic, the brass seal & lettering are located on a monument outside a local county's courts' building--this outside structure sits immediately adjacent to a high-traffic, automobile thoroughfare and is routinely subjected to all the oxidizing chemicals & components typically found in automobile & diesel exhaust, etc.).

Energy Solutions
was originally asked to clean & coat the structure due to the anti-graffiti characteristics of our siloxane coatings. But when told that our coatings also prevented the tarnishing of brass and other ferrous metals the customer was even more anxious to proceed and the results were dramatic. The "After" picture depicted above shows the way the monument looks today nearly 3 years after we originally cleaned & coated the entire structure, brass, etc. (the structure's pedestal is made up of a brick base topped with white aggregate; the brass seal & lettering are attached thereto.)

The coating characteristics reflected in these pictures--resistant to weather, graffiti and other environmental contaminants; as well as highly effective in preventing surface oxidation (tarnish), etc--apply to all non-ferrous metals--copper, aluminum, brass, zinc, stainless steel, nickel, etc. In all cases, once cleaned & coated the surface is completely isolated from the environment and its harmful effects.

Additional pictures of Energy Solutions Brass & Monument Cleaning & Coating engagements are presented on our "Before & After" Photos document. Other coated structures--buildings, pavers, etc--can be seen on our "Building Exterior Cleaning & Coating" page.